On 6 March 2013 12:48, Max Romanovsky <max.romanov...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear PHP Community,
> I'd like to propose several changes to PHP core:
>    1. Allow re-throwing exceptions without losing original stack trace,
>    like in other technologies:
>    try {/*...*/} catch(Exception $e) { throw; }

catch (Exception $e) { throw $e; }

This does what you want? (A quick test my end appears to keep the stack
trace in-tact at least)

>    2. Introduce base class for all PHP classes. E.g. Object. It would help
>    in type hinting and allow to add new common methods without any magic.

I like this idea.

>    3. Parse body of PUT request in the same manner as it's done for POST
>    request. I guess it should be stored in $_POST array to maintain
> backward
>    compatibility. Otherwise $_REQUEST handling should be aware of new array
>    with PUT data.

I don't really like the idea of putting non-POST data in $_POST

It would still be nice to have a better way of handing PUT though.

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