>> And what about automatic un/serialize() of objects in $_SESSION?
>> People don't even see those function calls in their code, so dropping
>> the function/ality would be a wildly drastic move.

> Nothing about it, the change is for unserialize() function.

OK. I thought of this as one core security issue with multiple
possible ways of getting a payload to the internal (C) unserialize
code. (If not, guess I could draw up an RFC for the other vector.)

It is harder to inject arbitrary objects into session storage than to
exploit blind-request-variable-unserialization type stuff (though the
latter can be a stepping stone to the former). But the potential
payoff in $_SESSION is so huge, I think having "secure unserialize"
for sessions is fully justified. Otherwise you're saying "I can't
guarantee objects with killer wakeups/dtors were not injected via one
of the apps on my server, and I have no way to stop them from
instantiating magically provided they get through the right way."

> We have to get away from mentality of "if we need to modify some
> behavior, we just put a variable in global state to control it".
> Global state is the last resort, not the first one. 

I guess it could be another argument to session_start() instead.

-- S.

P.S. Sure you'll shoot down this idea as well, but I think it would be
good if Filters had a corresponding validator, such as:

FILTER_VALIDATE_UNSERIALIZED: detect strings in PHP bytestream format.

Otherwise, if you are still expecting bytestream format from the
client and want to detect tampering on input, you have to write a
best-guess regex to try to differentiate between 'Some:free { text;
}"' and 'O:8:"class":0:{}' and 'S:12...' etc.


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