On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 10:41 AM, Ivan Enderlin @ Hoa
<ivan.ender...@hoa-project.net> wrote:
> Hey :-),
> On 02/06/13 08:52, Johannes Schlüter wrote:
>>> It would be a *gigantic* patch, but the userland effects should be
>>> minimal (the only changes would be supporting longer strings, and
>>> consistent 64
>>> bit int support). The performance considerations should be minimal for
>>> non-legacy code (as both would still be using native data types)...
>> History shows that such gigantic patches are often not finished and done
>> as people underestimate the size of PHP and the fact that all etensions have
>> to be checked which for this case means checking each external lib for their
>> correct type for all their functions etc ... but I don't wan to stop you,
>> I'm happy if you do this :-) (while I'm also happy about everybody spending
>> time on fixing bugs instead of adding such high-risk changes  ;-))
> Is it possible to use a static C analyzer here? It could help a lot. I think
> about Frama-C [1], Pork [2] (now included in Oink [3]) or Clang Static
> Analyser [4] to name a few. A more complete list can be found in [5].

We do it using Visual C++ static analyzer, which is an excellent tool
for this kind of issue, almost on all commits. As soon as we have a
fork for these changes I will add it so we can get regular updates.


@pierrejoye |  http://www.libgd.org

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