On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 5:36 PM, Julien Pauli <jpa...@php.net> wrote:

> On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 3:54 PM, Julien Pauli <jpa...@php.net> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> As you know, 5.5 final is coming soon.
>> We are in RC, so mainly stabilizing stuff and preparing the final release
>> for anyone to setup 5.5 on their servers.
>> I see the documentation migration guide has already been commited, that's
>> a good new.
>> I also see that new features we ship in 5.5 are online in the
>> documentation, great !
>> But a crucial feature is missing doc : OPCache.
>> As this feature is a very big step in PHP's life (we finally have a
>> recommanded, bundled opcode cache system, and I'm very proud of this
>> personnaly), I think it is crucial to have a good documentation about it.
>> Has anyone started to write some doc about OPCache ?
>> Another subject is APC. We have its doc on php.net, all right.
>> What I would like is we patch APC doc when 5.5 final gets released, to
>> clearly show our mind about it.
>> That way, any people using 5.5 should be able to read in the doc that APC
>> has support has been interrupted, that APC should never be used together
>> with OPCache, and that OPCache is now the standard recommanded OPCode
>> caching solution for 5.5, 5.4 and 5.3.
>> It is crucial to communicate one this point for our users.
>> Then will come the "User cache" debate
>> Thank you.
> Up. Could we at least plan such a project ?
> 5.5 is released now. I know we are still having trouble about OpCache
> particulary under Windows. I dont shadow that.
> I would just like we start thinking about writing documentation for
> OPCache features and merge them to our official documentation. If it's
> already planned by someone, just let me know ;-)
I find it hard to believe this feature made it into 5.5.0 without
a shred of documentation. I would be willing to help, but I actually don't
know much about how opcache works. If anyone is willing to give me a hand I
could draft up some basic FAQ style docs at least so that 5.5.0 users will
have some point of reference.

> Thx.
> Julien.Pauli

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