
Why is this specific to shutdown? Hashtables are freed all the time,
> what specific shutdown is doing different from all others so that this
> bug only happens on shutdown?

Honestly, I am not sure. Every report that I've seen has it happening at
shutdown. Could very well be a coincidence.

As far as what's happening, figure out more.

Basically, zend_deactivate() (which gets fired long after destructors)
tries to destroy the object store:

This iterates through the objects and tries to free them.

Well, during this process, any properties which are still alive are
dtor'ed. However, at a certain point, the garbage collector is fired.
That's when things get funky.

With the latest dump, what appears to be happening is that *something*
between the zend_deactivate call, and the GC being fired, is overwriting
one of the object zval's with *some* data. Here's a sample dump of the zval:

(gdb) print (zval_gc_info) *pz
$1 = {z = {value = {lval = 31337624, dval = 1.5482843440690148e-316,
str = {val = 0x1de2c98 "0", len = 20823032}, ht = 0x1de2c98, obj = {
        handle = 31337624, handlers = 0x13dbbf8}}, refcount__gc =
4294967295, type = 5 '\005', is_ref__gc = 0 '\000'}, u = {
    buffered = 0x2, next = 0x2}}

As you can see, nasty. (Here's the full BT: )

Well, when the GC hits that zval, it tries to access the object handle, and
throws a segfault (as it's WAY beyond the end of allocated memory).

I have a patch which prevents the segfault:

However, that's not really fixing the situation either, as the zval is
still getting nuked (but only partially).

I am still trying to replicate the issue locally, and if I can, then I can
try to setup watches to check for what's overwriting the zval. But for now,
this is the current progress...

And no, I'm withdrawing the original concept of disabling the GC during
shutdown. The current patch I have works, but it's still just a bandaid on
a gunshot wound, and I'm going to try to figure out what's actually
overwriting the zval..


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