Welcome Chris,

As a `plain` user of PHP, i'd like to advocate not to allow anymore
aliasing of ways to do stuff...
Your example should just read foreach(array_keys($array) as $key) {} That's
the only way to convey the actual intent of working with keys and
explicitly leaving out the values ;)

But hey, just my 2c...

Met vriendelijke groet,

Robin Speekenbrink
Kingsquare BV

2013/7/3 Chris London <m...@chrislondon.co>

> Hello community,
> This is my first post here. I hope to improve my participation in the
> community and give back to the technology that has done so much for my
> career.  My first attempt is to propose an additional syntax for the
> Foreach statement.
> Background:
> There are times in our code where we can leave things blank that we don't
> need, such as:
> for ( ; ; ) {
> }
> - and -
> list( , $foo, $bar) = array('ignore', 'myFoo', 'myBar');
> Proposal:
> I have found over the years that there are times when I want to loop
> through an associative array but I don't need the value. I would like to
> allow the following syntax:
> foreach ($array as $key => ) {
> }
> Please let me know your thoughts.
> Thanks
> Chris London

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