Johannes Schlüter in php.internals (Fri, 19 Jul 2013 15:33:55 +0200):
>On we provide development packages
>which allow a phpize-configure-nmake workflow similar to the Unix system
>without building the whole of PHP. Last time I tried this worked nicely.
>I do not know why that is not done for releases, too. (also follow the
>link there to ... not sure why
>the website has outdated versions ...)
>And another comparison to the Unix system: we have which
>distributes pregenerated parsers for "normal" users and git for people
>who know what they do and have bison. Also sources from
> have pregenerated parsers.

It would be really handy if there were phpize-configure-nmake packages
for Windows releases as well. Pierre recently asked me why I always
build PHP completely with all the extensions. Answers: (1) old habits
never die and (2) that way I get an instant check the extensions build
and load. I now realize there is an equally important answer (3) I want
to be sure I use exactly the same sources for the extensions as for the
released PHP.

>> BTW: I am now running into another error, but I do not rule out it has
>> to do with my own setup.

I tracked down the cause to the *.h files of libxml2 2.9.1. I upgraded
my libxml, when I saw you were using 2.9.1 in PHP 5.5. But the include
files are not VC10 and VC11 compatible. I will take a look at
github/winlibs how you handle this.

>> Are you using Update 2 of VC11?

This question was a general question. The first 5.5 RC's were made
public before Update 2 of VC11. They must have been build with Update 1.
Are the official builds now compiled by VC2012.2?



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