On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 10:23 AM, Sebastian Krebs <krebs....@gmail.com> wrote:

>> > That being said, there is always a point in a RFC discussion where
>> > there is nothing left to discuss or argue about, we are so far with
>> > this one.
>> We've been at this point for a while; no new arguments have been raised
>> despite several people asking to bring it back in focus.

I totally understand your view on how such discussions go. However it
was (for what I read) about technical issues and the tones were
correct, could have been more diplomatic but that's fine imho. I am
not sure how to solve this problem as we have to discuss things deeply
and be sure that active core developers actually understand all the
impact of a given proposal will have, that's a must.

I am also relatively happy with the situation compared to other
projects (try to do it on the kernel mailing list f.e.) while we have
to put more efforts to be contributors friendly, like on the cairo
project (best ever).

Sadly Anthony took this whole thing way too personally and is leaving
php.net, I'm not sure it is a definitive choice but it is a bad move,
in many ways and for both php.net and himself. It is very common that
not everyone agree with a proposal, or do not see the needs of it,
trying to understand its impact or the reasoning behind it. If
everyone begins to leave as soon as it happens, OSS would die, right

Conclusion: We are a tech group, keep that in mind :)


@pierrejoye | http://www.libgd.org

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