On 11/09/2013 13:16, jbo...@openmv.com wrote:
I'm still undecided about 'mixing' positional & named arguments: An example use case for **kwargs here: http://www.python-requests.org/en/latest/api/ If you declare: request($method, $url, ...$args) Would $args collect 'method' and 'url' ? request(method => 'post', url => 'foo/');
No. With positional arguments:

    function foo($bar, $foobar, ...$x) {}
    foo(1, 2);

Then $x will be empty, since it only collects "left-over" arguments, I suppose. The same applies for named arguments. In the case you used, $args would be empty, as $method and $url pick up those named arguments.

Andrea Faulds

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