On 07/10/2013 18:19, Daniel Lowrey wrote:
>> You can't efficiently model an HTTP request with associative arrays. Period.

> The fact is that for 99% of use cases, yes you can, and developers
> happily do so.

Leaky abstraction is leaky. If this is truly an efficient model of the HTTP request then why do we fragment it out into $_SERVER and $_COOKIES and $_FILES and $_POST and $_GET and php://input? I don't know what your definition of "efficiently model" is, but it must be different from mine. Array Oriented Programming !== design.

Ah, OK, I was only really talking about $_POST and $_GET, since they were the topic of this thread. I'm not quite sure why breaking different aspects of the HTTP request into different interfaces is fundamentally a problem, but I agree that you can't model /all/ aspects of an HTTP request as associative arrays.

To go through the relevant superglobals in turn:

$_GET: The param=value&... format for query strings is so universal, whether or not generated by a form, that it can largely be taken for granted. Within that format, the only thing that can't be handled as a hash is a repeated key; PHP takes the approach that foo[]=bar always creates an array, and foo=bar never does, with later values "winning". This covers 99% of what people need to do with query strings.

The mutability and globalness aren't great, but any method ->getQueryStringParam('foo') would be indistinguishable from ->getQueryStringHash()['foo']

$_POST: Deals with the two generally accepted form encodings for POST requests, in a way that matches $_GET, but while allowing programmers to distinguish the two rather than clobbering thm into one array.

$_COOKIE: Again, the structure of the Cookie: header in PHP is fundamentally a set of name=value pairs, making a hash a perfectly reasonable structure. The asymmetry with set_cookie() is unfortunate, although some asymmetry is inevitable given the underlying headers. At least it's better than the abomination that is document.cookie :P

$_REQUEST: This is an unnecessary bit of redundancy, although it reminds me that if you do want to merge query string and posted data, having them as hashes is very handy.

$_FILES: A bit awkward. I can guess the argument for splitting it from $_POST, but it's crying out for a more OO representation of the individual entries. They're still name-value pairs though.

$_SERVER: This is the only one that really doesn't work at all. I was going to mention it earlier, but didn't want to drift off-topic in my earlier messages. It's an awful jumble of HTTP headers, PHP-specific data, and arbitrary environment variables which happen to have come through from the SAPI. It contains the requested URL in various parts with inconsistent names, and I refuse to go near it without a sane wrapper class.

HTTP headers are fundamentally key-value pairs, although they can repeat, so more like key -> array of values. Environment variables are key-value too. The rest of it, along with file_get_contents('php://input'), is odds and ends that need a separate abstraction.

Well, that's the way I see it anyway. The superglobals themselves aren't great, but outside of APIs (which will generally involve a bit of framework-y-ness anyway) the associative array interface is what most people will end up wanting anyway.

Rowan Collins

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