On 10/31/2013 08:28 AM, Martin Keckeis wrote:
I don't see that it is possible to merge the settings from different
libraries, what if an application is relying on mbstring and iconv having
different settings ??

I think this use case is descibed in the RFC. The default_charset can be
default_charset < php.* < mbstring.*/iconv.* < encoding specified by

It's possible that applications are relying on the separation of their
settings in order to function properly, is what I am trying to say.

The same like above.

The only way you could possibly merge those configuration settings is by
also merging the functionality, there's no backward compatible way to do
that, but I can imagine at some time in the future those libraries being
used to support all of the required input/output/script encoding features
at the level of Zend.

I don't see how this can move forward and not break stuff ...

I think it's the same like above...You can override the default setting, so
everything should be fine.

I'm +1 for this, as there are really to much unnecessary settings around!

How could you override them ??

If they are removed then they cannot be referenced.

If they are not being removed then nothing is being simplified ...


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