On 13/07/2014 16:56, Andrea Faulds wrote:
Somewhat off-topic, but maybe we should make StdClass be the actual base class? 
I mean, it’s already used as a generic object, and you could then put StdClass 
as a type hint if you’re using an object as a key/value store but want to allow 
sophisticated objects to be passed.

Also, we don’t have a mechanism to cast between classes mostly because we don’t 
need it; if Bar extends Foo and a function takes a Foo, it can also take a Bar.

It's an interesting thought, but we currently have the object keyword for that particular use case. In some languages, having a base object is useful because functionality can be defined there, but PHP provides no way of altering existing classes, limiting that use too.

Personally, I'm too much of a fan of PHP's arrays to bother with stdClass at all; if you want to future-proof things, it's not that hard to write placeholders ready for later implementation:

class MyValueObject {
    /** @todo Declare public properties */


interface UsefulObject {
    /** @todo Not sure what to enforce yet */

Allowing an array to specific-class cast would be a useful short-hand initialiser in that case (although you'd then want an __castFromArray override when you did flesh out the class):

$foo = (MyValueObject)['id' => 42, 'name' => 'The Answer'];

Rowan Collins

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