On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 1:48 PM, Nikita Popov <nikita....@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 12:27 PM, Ferenc Kovacs <tyr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> sorry for the late reply.
>> you are right and after looking into the implementation I think classes
>> having custom object storage (eg. create_object) shouldn't assume that
>> their __construct will be called, but either do the initialization in the
>> create_object hook or validate in the other methods that the object was
>> properly initialized.
>> given that this lack of initialization problem is already present(you can
>> extend such a class and have a __construct() in the subclass which doesn't
>> call the parent constructor), and we want to keep the unserialize trick
>> fixed (as that exposes this problems to the remote attacker when some code
>> accepts arbitrary serialized data from the client) I see no reason to keep
>> the limitation in the ReflectionClass::newInstanceWithoutConstructor() and
>> allowing the instantiation of internal classes will provide a clean
>> upgrade
>> path to doctrine and co.
>> ofc. we have to fix the internal classes misusing the constructor for
>> proper initialization one by one, but that can happen after the initial
>> 5.6.0 release (ofc it would be wonderful if people could lend me a hand
>> for
>> fixing as much as we can before the release), but we have to fix those
>> anyways.
> This sounds reasonable to me. newInstanceWithoutConstructor does not have
> the same remote exploitation concerns as serialize, so allowing crashes
> here that can also be caused by other means seems okay to me (especially if
> we're planning to fix them lateron). Only additional restriction I'd add is
> to disallow calling it on an internal + final class. For those the
> __construct argument does not apply. For them the
> entity-extending-internal-class usecase doesn't apply either, so that
> shouldn't be a problem.
> Nikita
Thanks for the prompt reply!
I was considering mentioning the final constructors, but as we previously
didn't checked that and from a quick look it seems that we are mostly using
it as an easy/cheap way to make sure that the object is initialized
properly (which could also happen when a subclass calls
parent::__construct() from it's constructor) which isn't exactly the best
usecase for final.
But I don't really mind having that check.

Ferenc Kovács
@Tyr43l - http://tyrael.hu

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