Ivan Enderlin @ Hoa wrote (on 25/07/2014):

On 24/07/2014 15:40, Rowan Collins wrote:
Ivan Enderlin @ Hoa wrote (on 24/07/2014):
Taking the example of XML, CSS, HTML, ECMAScript or other languages (maybe the JVM, I don't know exactly), there is version numbers for the specification, that are different of the version numbers of the implementations. Even more, the version of the implementations is most of the time unknown (what is the version of SpiderMonkey or V8 for ECMAScript x? We don't really know).

I think this only really matters if it's likely that the Zend implementation diverges from the specification, such as by a feature being implemented in HHVM and agreed to be standard, but no release of Zend produced supporting that feature. And that in turn implies a separate stewardship and decision-making process for the implementation and the specification, which would be a major change in process.
Or if an implementation has a bug, which will be the most common usecase I think, no?

Implementation release 5.6.0 would *attempt* to meet specification 5.6; if it contained a bug, release 5.6.1 would be against the same specification, and hopefully a better implementation of it.

See my previous post: http://marc.info/?l=php-internals&m=140615333501569&w=2

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