Hash: SHA1

Le 18/08/2014 08:10, Laruence a écrit :
> Hey:
> There are some PRs for supports of PowerPC64
> https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/734 
> https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/735 
> https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/736 
> https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/737

Quick test build (using fedora 5.6.0RC4 package on RHEL-7...)
(notice, report will be clean in a few days)

Without the patches


Number of tests : 13178              7753
Tests skipped   : 5425 ( 41.2%) --------
Tests warned    :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
Tests failed    :    6 (  0.0%) (  0.1%)
Expected fail   :   31 (  0.2%) (  0.4%)
Tests passed    : 7716 ( 58.6%) ( 99.5%)

With the patches


Number of tests : 13178              7753
Tests skipped   : 5425 ( 41.2%) --------
Tests warned    :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
Tests failed    :   62 (  0.5%) (  0.8%)
Expected fail   :   31 (  0.2%) (  0.4%)
Tests passed    : 7660 ( 58.1%) ( 98.8%)


+Test + operator : 64bit long tests
+Test & operator : 64bit long tests
+Test ~N operator : 64bit long tests
+Test | operator : 64bit long tests
 Test << operator : 64bit long tests
 Test << operator : various numbers as strings
 Test >> operator : 64bit long tests
+Test ^ operator : 64bit long tests
+Test / operator : 64bit long tests
+Test % operator : 64bit long tests
+Test * operator : 64bit long tests
+Test -N operator : 64bit long tests
+Test == operator : max int 64bit range
+Test == operator : max int 64bit range
+Test N-- operator : 64bit long tests
+Test N++ operator : 64bit long tests
+Test --N operator : 64bit long tests
+Test ++N operator : 64bit long tests
+Test - operator : 64bit long tests
 Bug #20382 [2] (strtotime ("Monday", $date) produces wrong result on
DST changeover) [ext/date/tests/bug20382-2.phpt]
 Bug #33415 [2] (Possibly invalid non-one-hour DST or timezone shifts)
 Bug #33532 (Different output for strftime() and date())
+Bug #67247 (spl_fixedarray_resize integer overflow)
+Test abs function : 64bit long tests
+Test acos function : 64bit long tests
+Test acosh function : 64bit long tests
+Test asin function : 64bit long tests
+Test asinh function : 64bit long tests
+Test atan2 function : 64bit long tests
+Test atan function : 64bit long tests
+Test atanh function : 64bit long tests
+Test ceil function : 64bit long tests
+Test cos function : 64bit long tests
+Test cosh function : 64bit long tests
+Test decbin function : 64bit long tests
+Test dechex function : 64bit long tests
+Test decoct function : 64bit long tests
+Test deg2rad function : 64bit long tests
+Test exp function : 64bit long tests
+Test expm1 function : 64bit long tests
+Test floor function : 64bit long tests
+Test fmod function : 64bit long tests
+Test hypot function : 64bit long tests
+Test is_finite function : 64bit long tests
+Test is_infinite function : 64bit long tests
+Test is_nan function : 64bit long tests
+Test log10 function : 64bit long tests
+Test log1p function : 64bit long tests
+Test log function : 64bit long tests
+Various pow() tests [ext/standard/tests/math/pow.phpt]
+Test pow() - basic function test pow()
+Test pow function : 64bit long tests
+Test pow() function : usage variations - different data types as
$base argument [ext/standard/tests/math/pow_variation1_64bit.phpt]
+Test rad2deg function : 64bit long tests
+Test round function : 64bit long tests
+Test sin function : 64bit long tests
+Test sinh function : 64bit long tests
+Test sqrt function : 64bit long tests
+Test tan function : 64bit long tests
+Test tanh function : 64bit long tests
+Test chunk_split() function : usage variations - different integer
values for 'chunklen' argument(Bug#42796)
+Test chunk_split() function : usage variations - different integer
values for 'chunklen' with heredoc string as 'str'(Bug#42796)


P.S. won't be able to run better test before September (to get a real
access to a ppc64 computer)
> Anyone can review them?
> or, I will commit the patches by tomorrow..
> thanks

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