Andrea Faulds wrote (on 09/09/2014):
If people want strict casting, we can add new functions or operators for that 

I think this came up during the previous discussion, and I actually think it would be quite nice to have some functions both to perform a "strict"/"safe" cast (and raise E_CATCHABLE_ERROR or perhaps throw TypeCastException), and to check if a variable *can* be thus cast (validating integers is unnecessarily complicated at the moment).

mixed safe_cast(mixed $var, string $type)
boolean can_safe_cast(mixed $var, string $type)
if ( can_safe_cast($_GET['i'], 'int') )
$i = safe_cast($_GET['i'], 'int');

Or, to avoid representing the type with a string arg, a whole set of functions:
int safe_cast_int(mixed $var)
boolean can_safe_cast_int(mixed $var)
float safe_cast_float(mixed $var)
boolean can_safe_cast_float(mixed $var)

The first avoids creating so many new functions, but perhaps some constants should be defined for the argument, based on the values returned by gettype():

PHP_TYPE_INT = "integer"
PHP_TYPE_FLOAT = "double"
PHP_TYPE_STRING = "string"
PHP_TYPE_ARRAY = "array"
PHP_TYPE_OBJECT = "object"
PHP_TYPE_RESOURCE = "resource"

Of course, we'd then need to agree exactly which casts are considered "safe"...

Rowan Collins

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