On Mon, 2014-09-29 at 06:35 -0700, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
> >> Actually, some php.net machines have been compromised and prevent us
> >> from releasing 5.6.1.
> All the source and binary releases along with git is safe.

To be more precise: The machine used to package up the releases show
some traces of an infection. recent releases are being reviewed and show
no traces of anything being injected there, still we are not comfortable
with using the box to build new tarballs ;)

Short FAQ:

Q: Is the git repo affected?
A: No. The infected box is a different one. git's cryptographic commit
identifiers and distributed antature along with out automatic mirroring
to github serve as further mitigation for potential issues.

Q: Are downloads from php.net/downloads affected?
A: The attack would happen during creating the release tarballs. Recent
releases are being reviewed and show no traces of modifications.

Q: Are downloads from windows.php.net affected?
A: Windows builds are created from release tarballs. If those were
infected this might affect Windows, too. But no such infection could be

Q: Why are release actually build on some server instead of RM's
A: The git repository is not directly usable by endusers as it contains
only the individual config.m4 files etc. and no complete configure
script and only some parsers in raw form and not the generated c file.
As we want to ensure reliable behavior we use a machine with specific
versions of bison, autoconf and other tools. See the make_dist script in
php-src for details what's being made.

Q: Are snaps or RC releases affected?
A: I do not know, but know of no traces.

Q: Are other boxes effected, could the attacker steal credentials?
A: Login to the box happens via ssh keypairs so no secret credentials
reach the box on login, if a user provided a password (i.e. for running
sudo) while the box was infected this might be compromised. This won't
affect other php.net systems, though as those are only reachable via
specific servers using two-factor-authentification (or actually
three-factor: ssh key, ssh key passphrase and one time passcode


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