Last, the 2nd sub-bullet of the 2nd bullet ("regular participant of
internals discussions") is especially problematic - as it basically pulls
the barrier to entry to nothing, and is the opposite of well-defined. When we revise the Voting RFC, it should go IMHO. Talk is cheap - the way to get
a vote with PHP is to contribute - be it with code, docs, testing,
frameworks or apps.


Some years back I read the Voting RFC which stated:

"Changes made to the PHP language will affect millions of people, and theoretically, each and every one of them should have a say in what we do. For obvious reasons, though, this isn't a practical approach." So, Userland is entitled but for some undelineated reason we are denied the vote.

This business of "Talk is cheap" actually means that it is far easier to say that you're going to do something compared to actually following through and doing it since the doing may involve quite a bit more labor, time and cost. If talk were truly a waste of time, then there'd be little justification for having an Internals List.

As a user myself, I feel that denying Userland voting privileges is wrong. The truth is that while it would appear that PHP's fate lies in the hands of its core contributors and maintainers, actually it is Userland that will always have the final say. The worst thing is not forking PHP. What is worst is if users were to stop using PHP.

I think in all fairness, users should be required to learn C and pass a test demonstrating basic knowledge of PHP's internals in order to acquire voting privileges.

S Levy

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