
Sorry to intrude, but why would building be harder? Tbh I don't see the
point of keeping generated files in git. Why not keep release binaries too!
(I'm kidding ofc.)

Also, there may be a small number of "big diffs", but one is enough to
introduce a bug. Generating the file every time ensures there is no hidden

Just my 2 cents.

Florian Margaine
Le 2 oct. 2014 21:04, "Stas Malyshev" <smalys...@sugarcrm.com> a écrit :

> Hi!
> > Case in point: The current zend_language_scanner.c has been generated by
> > Andrea, who uses a different re2c version from everybody else (0.13.6
> > instead of 0.13.5). This means that if I do some tiny change to
> > zend_language_scanner.l I immediately get a 3000 line diff. So we just
> end
> > up changing this file back and forth depending on the algorithm used by
> > different versions.
> So, from time to time we'd get a big diff. But what's a big problem with
> that? It doesn't seem to hurt anything. And language scanner is not
> changed every day. I don't see any benefit in such change, just making
> building PHP harder.
> --
> Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect
> SugarCRM: http://www.sugarcrm.com/
> --
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