From: Dan Ackroyd [] ,Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 
2014 10:55 AM
> Stas wrote:
>> The only issue I think we need to discuss is catch(Exception $e). Now it
>> would catch much more than before, if we do no changes.
> It's not clear why would that be an issue - can you specify what the
> problem would be?
> Also, if we changed `catch(Exception $e)` to not catch all exceptions,
> than we would need to have another way of specifying that a catch
> block should catch all exceptions. Which would involve either making
> \Exception extend another even 'baser' Exception, or a hack to the
> syntax e.g. something like:
> catch($e) {
>     // Catch without Exception type catches all exceptions
>     // and confuses people.
> }
> cheers
> Dan
> Ack

We could make EngineException to be parent of the base Exception class.
And, if it is technically possible, it must be forbidden to extend
EngineException directly in userland.

This is just an idea. It would be a little bit strange if Exception is
not the base exception class ;) but it makes sense, because EngineException
is an exception of all other exceptions ^^


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