
> The problem always existed, and it's that it is very hard to escape from
> an API that is dictated by the language itself.

It is not a problem, at least not a define problem - what is "escape
from an API"? Why you would want to escape from the language you're
writing in?

> Getting gradually rid of those APIs and making them swappable pieces
> simply increases the degree of freedom that we get in our applications,

No, it does not. It increases the number of moving parts, makes the
environment more uncertain, requires more testing and potentially
fragments the ecosystem.

> by having less people rely on stuff like `array_map` and `array_filter`

Why would you want less people to use PHP features? More people should
be using array_map, not less.

> Right, and now they can be built in a way that isn't coupled with the
> engine itself.

It's not coupled with the engine, it's part of the PHP core functions
(which is separate part of PHP from the engine). And I still have to see
one reason why having them implemented in C is a problem. Without having
this reason, the discussion is pointless.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect
SugarCRM: http://www.sugarcrm.com/

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