On 27 October 2014 18:29, Sebastian Bergmann <sebast...@php.net> wrote:
> On 10/27/2014 10:45 AM, Peter Cowburn wrote:
>> The closest we have, at the moment, is probably http://php.net/eol.php
>> which details the versions which are no longer supported.
>  We need the inverse of that :)
>> Good question.
>  Should we start http://php.net/supported-versions.php then?

I did most of the work to support this a few weeks back, as the bug
tracker needed to be able to pull the currently supported versions
from somewhere when qa.php.net is down, so this is mostly just a case
of wiring up the data into something readable.

It hasn't propagated to all the mirrors yet, but we now have
http://us2.php.net/supported-versions.php, as suggested. I used the
Wikipedia table for inspiration (that is, I blatantly stole the
formatting), and also added a basic SVG calendar which people seem to
like when I show it in conference talks.

Thoughts? (I haven't linked it from anywhere yet, so it's not really
"live" as such.)


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