Hey Florian,

> On 16 Dec 2014, at 19:55, Florian Margaine <flor...@margaine.com> wrote:
> Hi list,
> I think having a minor PHP version for the only sake of adding E_DEPRECATED
> is kind of pointless to be honest. Historically, PHP (or other languages
> for the matter, I'm thinking of python) minor versions have brought new
> features. Adding notices is not a reason for a new version imho.
> If what we want are notices, and helping people to migrate to PHP 7, then
> we can create tools for this. For example, python made a tool to help with
> the transition of python 2 to python 3. Go did the same for 0.x to 1.0, if
> my memory serves right. The point of new versions is to include new
> features or bug fixes for the language, static analysis can be done with
> external tools.
> The fact that we'll have to maintain one more version is also not something
> to be taken lightly, especially when I see examples of how things progress
> in php-src. (I'm thinking about the recent contributor who gave up.)
> Now, if the reason people want PHP 5.7 is to extend PHP 5 lifetime, then
> it's another matter, and the lifetime of existing versions could be
> extended.
> Just my $0.02.
> Cheers,
> Florian Margaine

Hmm, actually, a 2to3-esque tool and a formal extension of 5.6's support by a 
year sounds like a better solution. If others agree, I might withdraw this RFC.


Andrea Faulds
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