
     I was working on zend_qsort improvement. but I got a problem need
to be disscussed with you fist..

     as we know,  previously zend_qsort is not a stable sorting algo.

     my draft patch (which already get 0.1% IRs reduce in wordpress)
is kindof a stable sorting algo, you can find it here

     so, there is a bc break, like for :

     $array = array("o",  "O");
     sort($array, SORT_STRING|SORT_FLAG_CASE);


     previously implementation does the swap:

array(2) {
  string(1) "O"
  string(1) "o"

     but new implementation doesn't not:

array(2) {
  string(1) "o"
  string(1) "O"

    do you think such BC break is acceptable? or I still need a RFC? :<

Xinchen Hui

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