On 11 Jan 2015 17:28, "Jakub Zelenka" <bu...@php.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> This rfc about replacing json with jsond is under discussion.
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/jsond
> I have finally done some benchmarks. You can find a link in the RFC.
> It's been extensively tested for the last few months and there is just one
> BC that I'm aware of.
> The new parser accepts only float number that conforms to RFC 7159 . This
> is also not consistent between decoding float number that are and are not
> in the array/object ( there are two conversion rules). The following
> formats are rejected:
> 1. parsed at the top level: 07, 0xff, .1, -.1
> 2. parser by JSON_Parser: [1.], [1.e1]
> I feel that this was a bug in the new parser and we must conform to RFC
> 7159 !

I was just thinking about your jsond work just yesterday actually.

I feel if we need to make a minor BC break to get this in, then go with it
for PHP 7.

I do think that if it's possible for you to detect when users supply this
invalid float input that you would throw an informative exception to help
people with the transition over to PHP7.

What's the rest of the team's thoughts on this ?

> Cheers
> Jakub

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