On 30/01/2015 18:42, Robert Williams wrote:
% php -r '$e="0";for($i=0;$i<2500;$i++){$e="0$e";} gethostbyname($e);’

What’s not being discussed is how it works. From the naive viewpoint of a PHP 
end-user, I’d expect this one-liner to have the same effect:

% php -r '$e="0$e"; gethostbyname($e);’

But it doesn’t. Can someone familiar with PHP’s internals explain why this code 
triggers the overflow, and whether it will actually do so reliably?

No need to be familiar with the internals, you just need to unroll the loop properly in your head:

initialise: $e = "0"; => "0"
$i=0: $e = "0$e"; => "0" . "0" => "00"
$i=1: $e = "0$e"; => "0" . "00" => "000"
and so on until you have 2501 zeroes when $i=2499

As Patrick points out, this is a really weird way of initialising that variable, and is presumably translated from another language by someone who doesn't know PHP.

Rowan Collins

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