On 3 Feb 2015 08:10, "Adam Harvey" <ahar...@php.net> wrote:
> On 3 February 2015 at 03:11, Anatol Belski <anatol....@belski.net> wrote:
> > properly after the voting phase the
> > https://wiki.php.net/rfc/removal_of_dead_sapis_and_exts moves to the
> > voting. Each item is voted separately. The voting ends on 2015-02-09 at
> > 21:00 CET.
> To explain my -1s:
> - ext/imap and ext/mcrypt: while I realise that the underlying
> libraries are dead, these extensions are too widely used to straight
> up remove them, I fear — we don't have obvious alternatives with
> simple enough APIs that we can push users towards. I'd strongly
> support and encourage a reimplementation of these extensions (in C or
> PHP) around something supported if someone was able to step up and do
> the work, otherwise yes, I'll pitch in to do the minimal work to port
> these to 7.0 if required.

I understand your thoughts. How about if we do for mcrypt what we did for
mhash, I.e. implement a compatible layer on top of openssl? I have not
checked if it's even possible yet, just an idea that popped into mind. I
would be willing to do this to learn more about the openssl innards, so I'd
probably need someone else to verify my work.

> - ext/pdo_dblib: ODBC is almost always the better way of interfacing
> with SQL Server, but I don't think keeping this one around is doing
> anyone much harm (as opposed to ext/mssql, which we should kill with
> fire for the same reasons as ext/mysql).
> Abstentions:
> - sapi/apache2filter: I wonder if someone would step up for that one
> if we advertised more widely, given I believe that it is in actual
> use. Unlike most of the other SAPIs, which are obviously dead, I'd
> like to give this one a bit more time before the 7.0 feature freeze.

Is this really used? It's been here before Apache2handler, bit my guess is,
just because filters were new and cool.

> - sapi/milter: I'm at least passingly familiar with almost all of the
> Web servers in the list, but I know nothing about the environments
> this SAPI is used in. Can someone who is familiar with it describe the
> pros and cons to dropping it?

Sendmail mailfilter API. I did one odd fix in the past, but the bug was
old, and the reporter didn't come back.

> - ext/sybase_ct: does PDO (via dblib and/or ODBC) cover this
> functionality adequately? I feel that I know enough to vote on SQL
> Server related topics, but haven't looked at actual Sybase for years.
> Adam
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