On 08/02/15 23:25, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:

>> Youself said that HTTP is a stateless protocol, so how would a
>> connection in an "unclean state" look like in your opinion?
> Connection and protocol are different things. In connection, you could
> be in the middle of the protocol - i.e. sending headers, sending body,
> receiving headers, receiving body - and these are different states.
>> Curl caches connections the servers are fine with keeping alive, and I
>> cache curl handles grouped by the id you pass to the client constructor
>> and the authority of the url, that's all, nothing spooky.
> Caching connections within the same request and reusing them is not
> spooky, but caching them long term, across requests, across security
> domains, for extended time - is spooky.

Everything you said also applies to database connections; there are even
database services that work over HTTP.

I'm still having a fairly hard time groking the issue at hand, sorry.


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