Hi Robert,

> On 14 Feb 2015, at 21:23, Robert Stoll <p...@tutteli.ch> wrote:
> I think a void type for PHP would make sense but only if the return value of 
> such a function cannot be used.

Why? If the return value cannot be used, it prevents the function being used 
with any API that stores the return value of a callback. That’s not terribly 

A void return value doesn’t need to enforce anything on the caller. PHP has 
always filled in missing values with NULLs, including return values, like other 
dynamic languages do here.

> Otherwise it is another reason for people to laugh at PHP and justifiably so, 
> telling that a function does not return anything but return null is very 
> inconsistent.

It does implicitly return NULL, but NULL is a useless value, and it’s returned 
implicitly, rather than explicitly. I don’t think it’s really that ludicrous.

> I suggest to use one of the following behaviours:
> 1. declaring a function void does not return anything (hence is like echo to 
> a certain agree)

That makes it cease to be a function in the PHP sense. PHP always allows 
functions to be used in expressions.

> 2. declaring a function void does return a thing of type void (that would be 
> similar to Unit in scala)

We don’t need another form of NULL.

Also, a thing of type void could be passed around, just as the unit type can be 
in other languages, so it wouldn’t do what you want it to.

> 3. instead of void a function can be declared to be of type null -> almost 
> the same behaviour as your RFC but without the inconsistency

That seems like a strange solution. You’re requiring the function to always 
return a useless value.

Andrea Faulds

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