On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 2:50 PM, François Laupretre <franc...@php.net> wrote:
> Once again, anyone can take over version 0.3, if it is so great. Why don't 
> you do it ?
> I will play the game, stop working on my proposal, and vote 'yes' again.
> But don't ask me to do it in your place.
If nobody else does it, I will.

I think Andrea's 0.3 proposal was extremely well balanced, served
everyone's needs whether they would admit it or not, and who's only
failing (subjectively termed) was the use of declare().  I think
declare() is fine and not nearly as ugly as some have slandered it to
be, but I'm willing to read the winds and modify it for v0.4.

Straw poll:
1) <?php strict;
2) <?php-strict
3) use strict; (psuedo-namespace)
3) <?php // strict (I don't actually like HHVM's style, but if you do...)
4) declare(strict=true); (As a top-level declare only)
5) declare(strict=true); (exactly as in v0.3 -- maybe you liked it)
6) your write-in vote here

I'm not going to scope in union types, nullables, or falsables.  We
can leave that for a followup RFC, this one is contentious enough as
it is.


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