
On 19.02.15 10:09, Joe Watkins wrote:
> Morning internals,
>     The expectations RFC is now in voting phase:
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/expectations#vote

- I somehow miss information what the exact differences are to the
current implementation, to better judge the impact.

- how does zend.assertions and assert.exceptions work with
"assert_options()" , i.e. isn't the exception behavior meant to be an
addition to assert_options() too ?

- the RFC says: "enabled (zend.assertions=1) on development machines,
and disabled (zend.assertions=0) in production"; a few paragraphs above
it says "-1 - don't generate any code (zero-cost, production mode)".
Shouldn't be -1 the default value for production then?

- the RFC says: "A call to assert(), without a fully qualified namespace
will call assert in the current namespace, if the function exists. An
unqualified call to assert is subject to the same optimization
configured by zend.assertions. ". Does this mean I can control whether a
function in a namespace is being optimized-away with when zend.assertion
equals -1 and otherwise do my own stuff in there and need to raise an
AssertException on my own to signal assertion fails?

thank you,
- Markus

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