On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 4:30 AM, Dmitry Stogov <dmi...@zend.com> wrote:

> anyone may tell, what this will print without running :)
> main.php
> ========
> <?php
> declare(strict_types=1)
> include "a.php";
> include "b.php";
> var_dump(foo("5"));
> ?>
> a.php
> =====
> <?php
> declare(strict_types=0)
> function foo(string $a): string {
>     bar($a);
>     return $a;
> }
> ?>
> b.php
> =====
> <?php
> declare(strict_types=1)
> function bar(int &$a) {
>     var_dump($a);
> }
> ?>
> Thank. Dmitry.
As I understand the proposal and above example, it's possible to change the
'strict_type' settings per file.
So, for an enterprise application being developed over many years, it's a
very realistic scenario
that this setting will be different in different files especially if coding
conventions are not followed (happens very often).

Does that mean when reading or writing code, in addition to checking the
signature of a function,
I have to check the 'strict_types' setting at the top as well, to
understand how that signature behaves?


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