> De : Matthew Weier O'Phinney [mailto:matt...@zend.com]
> - PHPUnit passes a boolean false to `debug_backtrace()`... which is
> documented
>   as expecting an integer! (There are actually several constant values it
>   accepts, all of which are integer values.) In this case, PHPUnit is relying
>   on the fact that the engine casts booleans to the integers 0 and 1. (Zeev 
> has
>   written to the list already indicating that this coercion path will be
>   supported in the patch.)

AFAIK, we won't support boolean to integer. IMO, considering Boolean as integer 
is  a bug and must not be supported.

> - PHPUnit is passing the results of $reflector->getDocComment() blindly to
>   substr() and preg_match*(). getDocComment() is documented as returning
>   a string OR boolean false. Again, PHPUnit is relying on PHP to cast boolean
>   false to an empty string. (Zeev has also indicated this coercion path may be
>   re-introduced.)

The same as above for bool -> string.

I hope you're wrong because I wouldn't like supporting boolean to scalar back 

Your test demonstrates this because you found undetected bugs. I am more and 
more sure that, what I first said as a joke, will prove true : during the next 
years, STH will be used mostly as a debugging tool, proving opposite arguments 
were FUD or, at least, phantasm.



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