
Unsafe "max_execution_time" and "Out of Memory" handling is a huge problem,
that often lead to crashes and SHM corruption.

The PoC solves the first problem.


Instead of throwing zend_error() from signal handler, now we just set
EG(vm_interrupt) and EG(timed_out) flags. PHP VM checks EG(vm_interrupt)
flag on each JMPx instruction (potential loop iteration) and then throws
the same zend_error() from VM context. This is safe, and we don't need to
wrap some critical code sections with
need them only in opcache). A small overhead of checking EG(vm_interrupt)
on jumps is counterbalanced by improvement from

Unfortunately this approach doesn't support interruption of long-running
internal functions yet. It should be extended in some way. May be
additional timeout.

Improvement ideas are welcome...

Also, do we need "safe" handling for other signals?
I think no, but may be I miss something.

Thanks. Dmitry.

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