2015-03-15 3:34 GMT+01:00 Stanislav Malyshev <smalys...@gmail.com>:
> Hi!
>> I'd like to announce that I'll open the vote for the in operator later that 
>> day.
>> You can find the RFC here: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/in_operator
> I think this operator is unnecessary - we already have perfectly good
> function that does the same.

If they were "perfectly good", ...

> Also, since it checks the values and not
> the keys, it would be useless for the same use case one would most
> frequently use "in" in Python and such - for checking if something is in
> a set of values. Since efficient implementation of the set in PHP would
> have the value being sought as key, "in" would be useless, unless much
> slower iterative implementation is chosen.

We already have a language construct here that's not a function call: isset.

> Also, because it includes different (and inconsistent) implementation
> for strings, if you have ("foo" in $bar === true) , you don't know if
> $bar is an array that includes string "foo" or a string that has "foo"
> as a substring. I don't think it's good that operator would mix these
> two cases.

It's different for strings, yes, but where's the inconsistency?

A common user case would probably be checking user input against a set
of values. As others already mentioned in the discussion there have
been security issues using non-strict in_array in the past.

> --
> Stas Malyshev
> smalys...@gmail.com

Regards, Niklas

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