
2015-03-18 20:42 GMT+01:00 Lazare Inepologlou <linep...@gmail.com>:
> However, it seems that the second form is possible to fail, and that
> depends on the mode (strict or not) of the library that contains the
> function a. It does not depend on the mode that I have chosen to work with.
> The two closures will not work in the same way and that's a kind of a WTF
> moment.

If the library documents that it is passing an int or an intable value
in non-strict to the callback and it does not do so it has a bug. If
the library does not declare a type and you hint an int and it passes
something else, you created a bug.  However, to work in a real code
base some discipline and clean documentation from the library author
is required. But I agree that this is currently fragile. Having a way
to hint a callables signature may not solve the issue , but make it
easier to catch and shift most, if not all, responsibility to the
library author.

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