Dan Ackroyd wrote:

> On 15 May 2015 at 23:14, Christoph Becker <cmbecke...@gmx.de> wrote:
>> I wonder why the GC is not triggered when the memory limit is exhausted,
> To hopefully point you in the right direction, I believe the problem I
> ran into, and the issue that stops it being a trivial thing to fix is
> this; it can be necessary for memory allocations to take place inside
> gc_collect_cycles.
> For example when an object has a userland __destruct method, and it is
> destroyed when the GC runs, then calling that method should require
> allocations.....but we've already run out of memory, so that can't
> happen.

Ah, I see!  Thanks, Dan.  Having given that some thought, I can
understand that the issue has not been addressed yet.

> As Rasmus suggested[1], in an issue linked through #60982, a simple
> way to solve this would be to have both a soft and hard limit for
> memory, and to allow the soft-limit to be a user callback, which could
> call gc_collect_cycles, or not as the user desired.

What happens if the soft limit is exhausted, but the GC can free only a
little memory?  That might trigger the GC shortly afterwards again and
again.  A user would have to carefully adjust the soft limit
dynamically, to work around this problem.  Then again, it might be
better than the current situation.

> However, it might be time to give the garbage collector a bit of love
> and care, as it's not necessarily the case that the GC requirements
> for PHP running as CGI process are the same as it running as a
> long-running CLI process.

I fully agree.

> If nothing else, it would be nice to get the GC_BENCH benchmark stuff
> working for the CLI again; it currently only works in certain
> circumstances[2].

That doesn't seem to work on Windows at all (at least for current
master). :(

> [1] <https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=41245>
> [2] <https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=68343>

Christoph M. Becker

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