
2015-06-15 19:25 GMT-03:00 Aaron Piotrowski <aa...@icicle.io>:
>> On Jun 15, 2015, at 4:02 PM, Anatol Belski <anatol....@belski.net> wrote:
>> I would then suggest Aaron to stick to the minimal voting period (announcing 
>> this as early as possible), if the voting passes - then merge the branch on 
>> Wednesday. This way we would have nearly one week to test and do fixes in 
>> master.
>> Kalle, Ferenc, how do you feel about this?
> Is changing the voting dates on the RFC to run only through tomorrow
> allowed? If so, I can make that change so it can be merged this week.
> Regards,
> Aaron Piotrowski

I second that. Right now many projects are awaiting to move towards
php7 testing due to issues like
https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit/issues/1748. It would be
great to get the next alpha with the fixed exception hierarchy, in
case the release managers agree.


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