
Am 02.07.15 um 15:43 schrieb "Ivan Enderlin"@Hoa:
> Hello :-),
> Just a small detail. Please, choose another name. The `Hoa\String`
> https://packagist.org/packages/hoa/string library has been renamed to
> `Hoa\Ustring` because of PHP7. So, please, don't force us to rename the
> library again ;-).

What's the issue with the name?

As far as I see it, There's no problem at all, as there's UString and
then there's Hoa\UString. Different namespace, no issue.

Or am I missing something?



> Moreover, this library provides an API that is useful for daily use and
> can be inspiring. Please, see
> http://hoa-project.net/Literature/Hack/Ustring.html.
> Regards.
> On 01/07/15 01:30, Sara Golemon wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 12:48 AM, Nikita Popov <nikita....@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 9:06 AM, Joe Watkins <pthre...@pthreads.org>
>>> wrote:
>>>>          https://wiki.php.net/rfc/ustring
>>>>          This is the result of work done by a few of us, we won't be
>>>> opening any
>>>> vote in a fortnight. We have a long time before 7, there is no rush
>>>> whatever.
>>>>          Now seems like a good time to start the conversation so we can
>>>> hash out
>>>> the details, or get on with other things ;)
>> Curious what the current state of the UString RFC is.  I've got a
>> functionality request for HHVM to wrap icu::UnicodeString and was
>> hoping to match PHP behavior if any plans had been made, and lo...
>> here's a plan!
>>> I'm not totally convinced by this proposal. We already have quite a
>>> number
>>> of extensions that deal with unicode text in one way or another (at
>>> least
>>> intl, mbstring and iconv). This adds yet another way of dealing with
>>> this
>>> issue - a way that will have to be combined with at least two other
>>> extensions (mbstring or iconv for input handling and conversion) and
>>> intl
>>> for any non-trivial operations. There's nothing wrong with adding
>>> another
>>> approach for unicode handling per se, but I'd like to have more
>>> empahsis on
>>> how this integrates with existing functionality and why it is
>>> implemented
>>> separately from it (especially intl), etc.
>> I think (hope) that Joe's intention was to make it as an extension for
>> proof of concept, but make it part of the intl extension when it comes
>> to full adoption by the runtime.  If not, let's talk about making that
>> the intent, because intl is where this belongs.
>> For my bikeshedding part, I'd recommend against the u() function
>> helper as it pollutes the global function namespace and takes a very
>> fundamental name.  intl\u() might be worth considering, but we'll need
>> to have a discussion about namespacing for the intl extension as a
>> whole (separate topic).
>> I'd also recommend "IntlString" rather than "UString" as nearly all
>> the Intl classes follow this convention.  The one notable exception
>> being UConverter (which yes, I added, and I regret the departure in
>> naming).
>> Otherwise, while there's room to quibble about specific API names and
>> arguments, the general concept seems a no-brainer.
>> -Sara

                                                             (o o)
| Andreas Heigl                                                       |
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