> Am 01.07.2015 um 18:32 schrieb François Laupretre <franc...@php.net>:
>> De : Bob Weinand [mailto:bobw...@hotmail.com]
>> Interesting idea (from the concept). I even could get on board with this; I'm
>> just not that sure about the performance impact. (alignment of refcount to
>> base address etc.)
>       zend_string *s;
>       s = zend_string_alloc(256, 0);
>       ...
>       ZSTR_SET_LEN(s, snprint(s, ZSTR_LEN(s)+1, "<format>", args...); /* 
> Overflow-protected */
>       ...
>       hash = ZSTR_HASH(s);
>       ...
>       char *p = estrndup(s, ZSTR_LEN(s)); /* Result is a pure 'char *', not a 
> zend_string */
>       ...
>       ZSTR_RELEASE(s);
> Isn't it nice ?
> You're right, refcount alignement is the serious issue to solve. Peformance 
> needs to be tested of course, but we compute '->val' much more often than we 
> use the struct base address (for realloc/free only except when accessing gc). 
> Accessing length and hash using an offset has the same cost as before.
>> Also, you have to make sure, to not accidentally pass a real char * array to
>> something that expects a char * from a zend_string *… which is where I'm
>> not so sure if we can do it. It may loose some typing security :-/
> The zend_string type would remain, even if typedef-ed to 'char'. So, 
> 'zend_string *' declarations would remain, they wouldn't become 'char *' 
> (just a question of declarations because it would work too). In debug mode, 
> we also can add a marker in the structure to detect when we receive an 
> invalid address, as it is sometimes done in memory management libs.

As said, if zend_string is typedef'ed to char, we'll end up loosing type 
safety, because no compiler will warn when we pass a char * to a zend_string * 
then. The marker would work, though.
I'm not sure to what degree it will confuse people. It's not a bad idea, but we 
need to carefully evaluate it.
(P.s.: I'd honestly prefer ZSTR_LEN(s) = ...; instead of ZSTR_SET_LEN(s, ...);)

But still, when we do that, API will break again.

>> Also wrappers around such low-level structures often tend to be leaky or be
>> just such a shitload of individual functions that nobody ever can remember it
>> before having worked with it all day for a few months.
>> (I mean leaky in a sense that you maybe are able to do everything, but not
>> quite in the performant way we like to)
> I agree, that's often the case but, even when performance impose low-level 
> control, an appropriate abstraction layer often allows for a cleaner future. 
> What I fear most is not this, it's having an idea impossible to implement 
> because people designing the API did not think wide enough when it was time. 
> The PHP history is full of such changes which required a lot of time and 
> energy, just because everyone had been working during years with too 
> short-sighted APIs. The art of APIs id to find the best compromise between 
> usability, performance, and extensibility, knowing there's no ideal solution. 
> And one additional difficulty is that many people think it is easy !

There's always something you'll have missed in retrospect. Perfect forward 
compatibility is impossible. One might think it could be nice, but it ends up 
not covering everything.

>> Meh, that persistent/non-persistent is annoying me a bit too sometimes.
>> I don't disagree that we should change that. We could e.g. use GC_TYPE()
>> and add our custom flag here. But maybe it's there to be able to tell 
>> compiler
>> what branch in perealloc() will be taken, so that that branch can be compiled
>> out.
>> Abstraction APIs are a powerful tool, but they come at a price…
> Actually, the information is already stored in the struct, there's nothing to 
> add. zend_string_release/free() functions even use it to determine which kind 
> of mem they are freeing. It is not even consistent because only 
> realloc/extend/truncate use this 'useless' arg. Actually, the only reason 
> given is too optimize compilation. I know that everything has a price but I 
> think that's going too much on the performance side. An argument with a 
> single value allowed is not an argument, IMO. Remember, if the wrong value is 
> given, your program crashes ! Anyway, I'd first like to measure the 
> performance gains/loss of such choices.

You're right. Yeah, just measure first ;-) 

>> But issue is a bit now that with 7.1 we don't want to do major API changes.
>> We're *allowed* to, but we shouldn't.
> While the politics of BC breaks at the PHP level is now quite well-defined, 
> it is less clear at the C level. During 5.x, we saw several macros and 
> functions disappear without notice, and nobody seems so surprised about it. 
> IMO, the hardest part is to get a consensus on such changes.

Which is a good thing. That leaves us the possibility to decide on a 
case-by-case basis whether it's worth it.
We almost certainly need each version some API breaks to integrate our changes.

>> I don't feel controlled by Zend. The only major appearance from Zend was in
>> scalar types discussion in form of Zeev. Err yeah, and maybe the PHP 7 name.
>> Hah.
>> Yes, it's maybe Zend which pushed Dmitry to optimize PHP to death, I have
>> no idea. But that's a good thing, stop ranting against that :-P
> I don't say I'm controlled by Zend. I say we shouldn't have given the phpng 
> whitecard with so few supervision and control from the community.

IMHO phpng was the best thing which could happen. And I feel a lot like the 
most active engine core contributors all were well involved here.

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