On Jul 6, 2015 11:04 PM, "François Laupretre" <franc...@php.net> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I'm currently adapting the 'PHK' PECL extension for PHP 7. I initially
> wanted to keep a single branch for PHP 5 and PHP 7, and enclose
> in macros and #ifdef blocks, starting with a backport of zend_string.
> Unfortunately, PHK interacts a lot with the PHP core and, as changes
> accumulate, I see my code become less and less readable. So, I now think
> I'll have to create a separate branch.
> As many of you probably had to make the same decision, can you tell me how
> you numbered your versions for the 2 parallel branches ? Use a different
> major number ? minor number ? same version with different suffixes ?

Different branches is painful from a release point of view and development.
Except if the exposed APIs are very different it makes little sense to do
it. Same for using different versions for 5.x and 7.x.

I would recommend to use multiple files when the code is getting unreadable.

> Thanks and regards
> François
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