On 08/01/2015 09:44 AM, Markus Malkusch wrote:
Christoph Becker:
Markus Malkusch wrote:

I'd like to revise that. I'd just learned that finally does indeed fit
here, as it would automatically glue exceptions:


Note that there's an open bug report (<https://bugs.php.net/68270>)
regarding this issue.

Thank you for pointing to that bug. So I understand the authors of that
bug are surprised that finally does magically attach exceptions. I did
actually also not expect that, as it is not documented nor do I have
that experience from other languages (did only check with Java).

So I can assume that magic finally glue behaviour is not considered
stable, which then again gives Throwable::addSupressed() IMO a

Markus Malkusch

In that case, an addSupressed() method still makes sense, and is once again a good idea. The finally block bug should be fixed before stable release, too, I think.

Stephen Coakley

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