From: Nicolai Scheer [], Sent: Monday, August 
03, 2015 11:39 AM
> Hi,
> just stumbled upon a strange issue.
> I always thought that protected/private member variables can only be
> altered from inside the object.
> This example shows, that this is not true:
> [...]
> Of course, I'm "inside" the right class, nevertheless, the object
> stored in $myself should not allow direct access to its members.
> Is this the expected behaviour? Code of this kind is used quite
> frequently for factory methods.

This is intended behavior. It is even possible to access private
methods and properties of another instance from the same type.
See example #3 on

The reason why this is possible is given, too:
> Objects of the same type will have access to each others
> private and protected members even though they are not the
> same instances. This is because the implementation specific
> details are already known when inside those objects.

Best reagrds

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