On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 9:27 AM, Matt Ficken <themattfic...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Ultimately if the 2nd OpCache is shared in a new SHM, in-process in a new
> SHM or in-process Heap, memory will increase, scripts have to be recompiled
> and there are consistency issues. File-cache will avoid recompiling
> scripts, but unless OpCache is disabled, there needs to be a 2nd OpCache
> stored somewhere.
> For the stat, reset and revalidate consistency issues, to build off
> Anatol's idea:  If can't reattach to base address, then reattach to any
> address and create a 2nd OpCache in Heap, BUT keep the SHM open so that the
> stat fields(fe ZCSG(hits)) are still accessible. Those fields aren't
> pointers so they should work from whatever base address MapViewOfFileEx()
> provides, if not, could fork ZCSG into 2 structs (somehow reuse existing
> stat fields on existing SHM).
> opcache_get_status() in any/all processes would read those fields from SHM.
> Since there would be 2+ processes with an OpCache (the original in SHM,
> and sidestep OpCaches on the heaps of those processes), can't use a simple
> flag (would be cleared by 2nd process, before 3rd got it).  Could add
> ZCSG(opcache_count) field and increment every time an OpCache gets created
> (and decrement on process exit). Simple, but not using
> zend_shared_alloc_lock() avoids creating new locking issues.
> Add a new ZCSG(opcache_revalidate_count) in that struct that is set to
> ZCSG(opcache_count) anytime opcache_reset() or opcache_invalidate() called
> or if persistent_compile_file() finds a changed script.

This way work. Actually, it's even possible clean opcoache SHM completely
or invalidate individual files with SHM mapped into different address. Of
course it shpuld be implemented, and I don;t know all the problems yet.

> In process with side-step OpCache,  in persistent_compile_file()
> (assuming opcache.validate_timestamps && revalidate_freq>0) will check if
> ZCSG(opcache_revalidate_count) > 0 and will then decrement the count and
> reload scripts from file-cache (where it checks opcache.revalidate_freq).
> And then wrap this all in some `#ifdef ZEND_WIN32`s
> Would still have extra memory usage. When I have a process that can't
> reattach I usually get several, so having an in-process OpCache(SHM or
> Heap) may lead to more memory usage than a shared SHM, but having 2 SHMs in
> a process would mess up the nice existing code.

What extra memory? Do you mean in-process memory for op_arrays during
request processing?

> Don't have to recompile scripts(quickly loads from file-cache) and fixes
> the 3 consistency issues, and would keep serving up requests without
> performance loss.
> Yes, temporary incomplete solutions often get forgotten and not replaced
> later with a better complete solution, but in this case we're motivated try
> to fully fix this whole issue and if that doesn't work, at least build a
> more complete solution, but that takes time (known issue for already a few
> years), we should do something that works for now. This is more complex
> than a bugfix that creates a 2nd SHM OpCache. Can we do this now? What is
> still possible for 7.0? 7.0.1?

If we understand each other properly, It looks like a more or less
consistent solution now.
This is going to be a self-contained change, so I don't see big problems
releasing some fix for PHP-7.0 branch even after GA 7.0.0 release.
Of course, we may make final decision only after complete implementation.

Thanks. Dmitry.

> On Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 11:49 AM, Eric Stenson <erics...@microsoft.com>
> wrote:
>> >From: Dmitry Stogov [mailto:dmi...@zend.com]
>> >
>> >> On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 11:54 AM, Matt Ficken <themattfic...@gmail.com>
>> >> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> Pierre Joy wrote:
>> >>> And what wincache does. It is slower but the request is served.
>> >>
>> >> WinCache (file cache) if it can't reattach, creates a new shared mem
>> >> file
>> >
>> > I'm not sure how WinCache works, but opcache already implements most
>> > necessary functionality.
>> Sorry for getting to the party late, but let me clarify what WinCache
>> does:
>> 1. For the opcode cache, if WinCache can't map to the same address, it
>> falls back to using process-local (heap) memory for the opcode arrays.
>> This is because the elements in the opcode arrays contain absolute
>> pointers, and we don't want to spend cycles (a) converting all pointers to
>> offsets when copying opcode arrays into shared memory, and then (b)
>> converting all offsets back to absolute addresses when copying the opcode
>> array back out of shared memory.  WinCache simply gets the pointer to the
>> opcode array in shared memory and returns it, unmodified, to the PHP Core
>> for execution.
>> When WinCache falls back to process-local memory, it does NOT create a
>> second memory mapped segment, and does not chew additional cross-process
>> resources.
>> 2. WinCache's file cache does not map to an identical address in all
>> processes.  We simply map it to *any* address (using NULL for the suggested
>> address to MapViewOfFileEx), and then use relative offsets in the cache
>> structures for all entries in shared memory.
>> 3. WinCache's user cache and session cache are similar to the file cache,
>> and do not have to map to the same address in all processes. Cache entries
>> use relative offsets to locate cache entries, and the values do not contain
>> absolute addresses.
>> Finally, For PHP7, WinCache has removed its opcode cache.  We assume that
>> Windows consumers of PHP7 will use Zend Opcache for opcode caching.
>> Thx!
>>     --E.

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