
I've just read the news about the Zend acquisition:
I'm curious how will this change the License of the Zend Engine.
If anybody not familiar with the situation, the Zend Engine has it's own
license, the Zend License:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PHP_License#Zend_Engine_License and that
refers to the Zend Technologies and zend.com everywhere.
I would like to ask Zeev/Andi about what does the acquisition mean for the
php project and if they already have a plan about what to do with the Zend
Engine license in the future.

ps: just noticed that http://www.zend.com/license/2_00.txt is a 404 even
thought that is linked from php-src/Zend/* and from the wikipedia page on
the Zend Engine License.

Ferenc Kovács
@Tyr43l - http://tyrael.hu

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