On 6 November 2015 at 00:08, François Laupretre <franc...@php.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> An uninitialized HashTable generally is
> filled with 0s. Today, using an uninitialized HashTable goes undetected,
> even in debug mode (because HT_OK == 0), and is very hard to track.

Uninitialized variables should be pretty easy to check by setting
`export USE_ZEND_ALLOC=0` to make allocs go straight through to malloc
and then running the program through valgrind. That should report all
uninitialized data. Additionally using the --malloc-fill=255 (or
appropriate value) should make the code blow up pretty quickly.

I'd be interested to know if that's doesn't report the issues for you
- as that's the backup to check that I haven't forgotten to initialize
anything, and if that's not reliable....I might need to check some


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