On 04.12.2015 11:29, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
> Am 04.12.2015 um 00:09 schrieb Stanislav Malyshev:
>> Windows as a platform is different from Linux/Mac in several aspects
>  True. But why does the PHP Project have to provide Windows binaries on
>  php.net? Microsoft should be treated as any other downstream vendor: let
>  them build their binaries on their infrastructure and let them distribute
>  their binaries through their channels.
>  Again, my intention is not to "bash Microsoft". I appreciate and
>  respect everything they have done to make PHP on Windows more robust.
>  I just think that the PHP project would be better off to focus on
>  one release artifact: the source tarball.

While I'd love to share your view on this I think it's just unrealistic
in regards to ease of use towards anyone who's not a hardcore windows

a) building a php.net release tarball on a freshly installed
Ubuntu/CentOS/Debian/whatever box:

- it's literally 1 copy/pastable command line to install all
dependencies, then unzip, configure make.

b) building this on Windows:

- to be honest, I don't even know how many steps exactly are involved,
I've given up years ago. And in my team I am usually the one most
confident to develop *anything in any language* on Windows.

I hate to say it, but not providing an official Windows build is kind of
sticking the finger to everyone using Windows for PHP (not the language)
development. Yes, this could be alleviated with builds from external
sources, but most language teams release for "more platforms". And I
stand to what I said above. On Linux (and maybe also on OS X?) you can
get 90% of users non-versed in C development to build their PHP quite
easily, on Windows.. maybe possible, but not worth the hassle.


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