embarrassing correction to my message: the last four words of the 2nd para here should have been at the end of the previous para.

On 2/22/16 8:23 AM, Tom Worster wrote:

PHP is an unlikely language for the typical programs that specifically
need MT19937. I doubt we would sort out anyone's existing problems by
fixing it. If I'm wrong and there is indeed a need for this kind of RNG
then I'd rather see an API that supports more than just this one generator.

So I don't think PHP should feel obliged to provide a correct MT19937,
although it should correctly document what it does provide, like the
hash ext.

< then I'd rather see an API that supports more than just this one generator.
> then I'd rather see an API that supports more than just this one
> generator, like the hash ext.
< although it should correctly document what it does provide, like the
< hash ext.
> although it should correctly document what it does provide.

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