Hi all,

Remember my question about ??= operator? 

Forgive my rookieness and let me introduce my first RFC here: 

Let me also include here the introduction I wrote:

Combined assignment operators are around since 1970's, appearing first in the C 
language. Consider the following code $x = $x + 3 that has the ability to be 
shortened into $x += 3. Hence PHP is a web focused language, ?? operator is 
used to check something's existence like $username = $_GET['user'] ?? 'nobody'; 
However due to common variable names are much longer than $username the use of 
?? self assignment, creates repeated code. 
$this->request->data['comments']['user_id'] = 
$this->request->data['comments']['user_id'] ?? ‘value’; It is also intuitive to 
use combined assignment operator null coalesce checking for self assignment.

I am sure there would be some language mistakes, please also forgive me for 
them too. 

Currently I created a working implementation here: 
<https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/1795> you can see a terminal working with 
my implementation also here: http://imgur.com/zLlVFup <http://imgur.com/zLlVFup>

I hope I managed to write a simple and understandable RFC. Thank you all for 
your efforts.

Best Wishes,

Midori Kocak
Computer Scientist & Engineer / ZCPE
http://www.mynameismidori.com <http://www.mynameismidori.com/> 

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