On Sat, Mar 26, 2016 at 9:55 PM, Sascha Schumann <
sascha.schum...@myrasecurity.com> wrote:

> > > PHP already offers bin2hex()/hex2bin() and
> base64_encode()/base64_decode().
> > > This covers part, but not all, of RFC 4648.
> > >
> > > I'd like to extend the coverage to include, at minimum, Base32.
> >
> > What's the use case for it? Is anybody using base32 now?
> I'd have a few times if the functionality had been easily available.
> ​​
> Please make this a single call:
> str_convert_base($in, $old_base, $new_base);
> "str_" because it applies in most cases to stuff not representable as a PHP
> float/int.
> > > I'd also like to make these functions to be written to resist
> cache-timing
> > > attacks (i.e. when used to encode/decode encryption keys for long-term
> ​​
> As this requires slowing things down, this should be an extra, optional
> feature.
> Either to the relevant functions, or more likely globally, as it does not
> make
> much sense on a per-function level.
> Sascha

​Hi Sascha,

Please make this a single call:
> str_convert_base($in, $old_base, $new_base);
> "str_" because it applies in most cases to stuff not representable as a PHP
> float/int.

T​hat would be ill-advised. What I'm proposing is to cover RFC 4648.


These are specific base-{2^n} encoding schemes that are easy to implement
in constant time. An arbitrary change-of-base function just _begs_ people
to port Base62 or Base58 which is much more difficult to reason about when
it comes to timing safety.

Also: We already have base_convert(). If you'd like to write a wholly
separate RFC to make a function cover bases > 36, that might be useful.

I'm specifically focusing on the "let's prevent cache-timing leaks when
people encode-then-store/load-then-decode cryptographic secrets in PHP"
problem here.

As this requires slowing things down, this should be an extra, optional
> feature.
> Either to the relevant functions, or more likely globally, as it does not
> make
> much sense on a per-function level.

That's something to consider, but please keep in mind a sense of
perspective: Anthony measured a _negligible_ performance hit (5 * 10^-6

Are there any real-world applications that would suffer tremendously from
this academic slow-down?

If so, we should discuss how to proceed.

If not, we might want to consider disregarding the penalty entirely.

Scott Arciszewski
Chief Development Officer
Paragon Initiative Enterprises <https://paragonie.com/>

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